EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a form of therapy that enables healing from symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. EMDR shows that the mind can heal from emotional trauma as the body does from a physical wound. This therapy uses a eight phase process to assist clients in healing from trauma. Eye moment (or other bilateral movement) is used to allow clients to stay grounded in their present state (having survived the trauma) while also recalling difficult memories, emotions, or sensations related to the distressing event. This dual attention to the present, while recalling the past, often allows for new neuro connections to be formed which allow clients to access new cognitive believes related to the event, and themselves, which are healing, compassionate and empowering.
To schedule with a therapist fully trained in EMDR at Turning Leaf Therapy please reach out to:
Jennifer Lake
Catherine Marin
Denaya Black
Suzy Nuetzman
Samantha Hinderks
Lindsey Mornson
Maddie Calhoon
If you are looking for more detailed information regarding EMDR please visit: